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Why You Should Submit Your Blog Shop to Blog Directories? by: Alexchious Cheng This is the first installment of the "Why submit to directories?!" Training Series and today I'm going to tell you what is least neglected when people run their blog shops. Search Engine marketing! But let's get down to it. The search engines like a website which is real and authentic, and that applies to your blog as well. If you're a girl, you would probably want a guy who has substance, who has real stuff in his head and is genuine. You would not want Mr Tom or Mr Dick or Mr Harry who pretend that they are something but in fact are nothing more than empty cock-heads. (Apologies to anyone whose names are Tom, Dick or Harry) In other words, you don't want a guy who PRETENDS to be somebody. The same applies to the search engines as well. They want to know that your website, your blog is real and not merely a spam site, which is pretty common nowadays. What a lot of people try to do is create a website and merely put hundreds or even thousands of links ALL POINTING TO THE SAME PAGE somewhere else on the web. Now, in the past this might have fooled the search engines pretty well, but not anymore. They now want to see that you have authenticity. Let's say you're a boss and you're interviewing someone who wants to work in your company. The guy walks in, and imagine if the following happens... Tom: Hello Madam err... You: My name is Blond. Jane Blond. Tom: Oh err, Madam Blond...Hello Madam Blond... You: So, you're here today for the interview for the Senior Manager position. It says here you got certification from Cambridge. I'm impressed. What are your qualifications? Tom: My qualification is it? Oh, very simple. I go to school, get a university certificate you know! You know that, that....Cambridge university? Ah, I got my certificate from there! Damn good right? But, it's called the Cambridge O'level Certificate. You: ... Tom: Why are you so stunned? Did you see a ghost? You: There's no time playing these jokes Mr Tom. We're in a recession. People are losing their jobs and their incomes. You should be more serious. Tom: Serious? I am serious! And I'm not scared of recession. Scared for what? Everyday I drive the Mercedes Benz come to work you know! You: Really? Tom: Really....it's called...the SBS Bus. So you know that you wouldn't be taken seriously if you just walk in and pretended you're from Harvard University when in fact you aren't. The same goes for search engines. They want to see that you're a real legitimate and genuine site before they do you a favour of noticing you. By submitting your blog to a directory, you have actually told the search engines that "Hey look, I'm real. So put me higher in your search listings will you?" It's simple as that. It's kind of like your old 'parent's signature' whereby you needed them to sign on that permission slip so that you could go to the zoo with your class. Directories are like your parents, in a small way. ----------------------------------------------------------- Alexchious C. is a blog shop marketing coach from Voblop.com, a community of personal fashion enthusiasts and blog shop owners. He teaches blog shop owners how to market their blog shops, improve their blog shop sales, increase traffic, diversifying their business and helping them achieve maximum potential for their blog shop businesses. To learn more about how you can improve your blog shop business, go to http://AlexTheCoach.voblop.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexchious_Cheng

2 komentar:

  1. blank

    sip ,, makin keren aja nih blognya .. :)

  2. Untitled-4%2Bcopy

    thanks put.. baru belajar-belajar nih put??? blogmu juga makin muantep..


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